npm install @janiscommerce/model
Session injection
The session injection is useful when you have a dedicated database per client.
Using the public setter session
, the session will be stored in the controller
All the controllers and models getted using that controller will have the session injected.
Database Dispatcher
The Model
uses Database Dispatcher for getting the correct DBDriver for a Model
The DBDriver will perform all the queries to the database.
Configure Database connection with databaseKey
If you have the connection settings you should add a databaseKey
getter in you Model
class MyModel extends Model {
get databaseKey() {
return 'core';
Database Dispatcher will try to use one of the following settings
Using Settings, with settings in file /path/to/root/.janiscommercerc.json
"database": {
"core": {
"host": "",
"type": "mysql",
Database connection configurated with session injected
When your Model
is a Client Model, and the database connection settings are in the injected session, you don't need to configurate the databaseKey
You can add database connection settings by adding the field names from the received client that contains the settings, with the setting what will be passed to the DBDriver. Also you can add config for read/write databases.
Example of settings:
"databaseWriteType" : "someDBDriver",
"databaseReadType": "someOtherDBDriver",
"clients": {
"database": {
"fields": {
"databaseKey": "core",
"table": "clients",
"identifierField": "code",
"read": {
"dbReadHost" : "host",
"dbReadProtocol" : "protocol",
"dbReadPort" : "port",
"elasticSearchPrefix" : "name",
"elasticSearchAws" : "awsCredentials"
"write": {
"dbWriteHost" : "host",
"dbWriteProtocol" : "protocol",
"dbWriteDatabase" : "database",
"dbWriteUser" : "user",
"dbWritePassword" : "password",
"dbWritePort" : "port"
shouldCreateLogs (static getter).
Returns if the model should log the write operations. Default: true
. For more details about logging, read the logging section.
excludeFieldsInLog (static getter).
Returns the fields that will be removed from the logs as an array of strings. For example: ['password', 'super-secret']
. For more details about logging, read the logging section.
statuses (class getter).
Returns an object
with the default statuses (active
/ inactive
const items = await myModel.get(params)
- Returns items from database
is an optional Object with filters, order, paginator.
const items = await myModel.get({ filters: { status: 'active' } });
const item = await myModel.getById(id, [params])
- It's an alias of get(), passing and ID as filter and handling return value as an array if
is an array, or an object otherwise.
is required. It can be one ID or an array of IDs
is an optional Object with filters, order, paginator.
const items = await myModel.getById(123, { filters: { status: 'active' } });
const item = await myModel.getBy(field, id, [params])
- It's an alias of get(), passing and field and the values of that field as filter and handling return value as an array if
is an array, or an object otherwise.
is required. A string as a field
is required. It can be one value or an array of values
is an optional Object with filters, order, paginator.
const items = await myModel.getBy(orderId, 123, { filters: { status: 'active' } });
myModel.getPaged(params, callback)
- Returns items from database using pages, the default limit is 500 items per page.
See get() method
A function to be executed for each page. Receives three arguments: the items found, the current page and the page limit
await myModel.getPaged({ filters: { status: 'active' } }, (items, page, limit) => {
- After performing a
sometimes you need data of totals. This method returns an object with that information.
Result object structure:
pages: The total pages for the filters applied
page: The current page
limit: The limit applied in get
total: The total number of items in DB for the applied filters
await myModel.get({ filters: { status: 'active' } });
const totals = await myModel.getTotals();
- Search all References Ids and return an Object with key:
and values: id
, only those founds. - referencesIds:
List of References Ids
await myModel.mapIdByReferenceId(['some-ref-id', 'other-ref-id', 'foo-ref-id']);
const uniqueValues = await myModel.distinct(key, params)
- Returns unique values of the key field from database
is an optional Object with filters.
const uniqueValues = await myModel.distinct('status');
const uniqueValues = await myModel.distinct('status', {
filters: {
type: 'some-type'
- Inserts an item in DB. This method is only for insert, will not update perform an update.
await myModel.insert({ foo: 'bar' });
const items = await myModel.get({ filters: { foo: 'bar' }});, setOnInsert)
- Inserts/updates an item in DB. This method will perfrom an upsert.
to add default values on Insert, optional
await{ foo: 'bar' }, { status: 'active' });
const items = await myModel.get({ filters: { foo: 'bar' }});
myModel.update(values, filter)
- Update items that match with the
await myModel.update({ updated: 1 }, { status: 5 });
await myModel.remove({ foo: 'bar' });
const items = await myModel.get({ filters: { foo: 'bar' }});
- Perform a bulk insert of items in DB. This action will insert elements, and will not update elements.
await myModel.multiInsert([{ foo: 1 }, { foo: 2 }]);
const items = await myModel.get();
myModel.multiSave(items, setOnInsert)
- Perform a bulk save of items in DB. This action will insert/update (upsert) elements.
to add default values on Insert, optional
await myModel.multiSave([{ foo: 1 }, { foo: 2, status: 'pending' }], { status: 'active' });
const items = await myModel.get();
- Perform a bulk remove of items in DB.
await myModel.multiRemove({ status: 2 });
const items = await myModel.get({ filters: { status: 2 }});
myModel.increment(filters, incrementData)
- Increment/decrement values from an item in DB. This method will not perfrom an upsert.
await myModel.increment({ uniqueIndex: 'bar' }, { increment: 1, decrement: -1 });
Indexes Manipulation
Only if Database support it
- Get an array of Indexes in Database table
await myModel.getIndexes();
- Create a single index in Database Table.
await myModel.createIndex({ name: 'name', key: { name: 1}, unique: true });
- Create a multiple indexes in Database Table.
await myModel.createIndexes([{ name: 'name', key: { name: 1}, unique: true }, { name: 'code', key: { code: -1 }}]);
- Drop a single in Database Table.
await myModel.dropIndex('name');
- Drop multiple indexes in Database Table.
await myModel.dropIndexes(['name', 'code']);
- Get the configured/sessionated DBDriver instance to use methods not supported by model.
const dbDriver = await myModel.getDb();
await dbDriver.specialMethod(myModel);
This package automatically logs any write operation such as:
- insert
- multiInsert
- update
- save
- multiSave
- increment
- remove
- multiRemove
You can disable this functionality by setting the static getter
to false:
class MyModel extends Model {
static get shouldCreateLogs() {
return false;
Excluding fields from logs
You can exclude fields for logs in case you have sensitive information in your entries such as passwords, addresses, etc.
Specify the fields to exclude by setting them in the static getter
class MyModel extends Model {
static get excludeFieldsInLog() {
return [
By setting this when you do an operation with an item like:
await myModel.insert({
user: 'johndoe',
password: 'some-password',
contry: 'AR',
address: 'Fake St 123'
It will be logged as:
id: '5ea30bcbe28c55870324d9f0',
user: 'johndoe',
contry: 'AR'